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Our lab is focused on designing and creating efficient hardware systems to meet the growing computational needs of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. We pursue a Physics-to-Systems approach where we combine algorithmic understanding with tailored hardware and architectures. We try to map unique features of emerging materials to the needs of algorithms and applications to build natural and energy-efficient computing systems. Our research interests lie at the intersection of physics, computer science and electrical engineering. 

We believe that such an interdisciplinary approach connecting architectures and algorithms to materials and devices is essential in the new era of electronics driven by domain-specific hardware. 

This is in contrast to Moore’s Law-driven era that has centered around a single device, the field-effect transistor. The new era of electronics calls for a new kind of scientist who needs to be deep in one field but also broad enough to be able to make connections to related disciplines across the computing stack. 


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 Research Areas

We extend algorithms and architectures that match features of emerging hardware to cater to the needs of computation.
Designing efficient circuits with new functionalities often involves mapping materials directly to applications.
We seek to translate emerging materials and phenomena into physics-based circuit models to design benchmark circuits.

 Recent News

June 17, 2024

Shaila's paper on Sparse Ising Machines appears in Nature Electronics

June 17, 2024

Shaila Niazi is spotlighted by ECE UCSB. 

May 31, 2024

We are thrilled to have Kevin join OPUS as a PhD student! 

May 31, 2024

We are excited to welcome Daniel Golenchenko as an undergraduate researcher to OPUS.

April 7, 2024

We are very excited to have Xiuqi Zhang join OPUS Lab as a PhD student for Fall 2024! 




March 27, 2024

Happy to share our work on CMOS + stochastic Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (sMTJ) for probabilistic inference & learning just published in Nature Communications.

March 11, 2024

OPUS Lab welcomes Dr. Corentin Delacour as a postdoctoral scientist!

March 9, 2024

OPUS Lab is part of a MURI on Synchronization in Natural and Engineered Systems! 

January 5, 2024

We are thrilled to have Sajeeb join OPUS Lab in Winter 2024!

December 8, 2023

Jean Anne Incorvia and Sam Liu have put together a thoughtful review of our upcoming IEDM paper.